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Back to School: Organizing Your Home for the School Year

Back to School: Organizing Your Home for the School Year

As the back-to-school season approaches, many families face the challenge of transitioning from relaxed summer days to the bustling rhythm of the school year. And we all know how crazy busy the school year gets! With new schedules, activities, and homework, staying organized can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! As a professional home organizer on Chicago's North Shore (and former teacher), I’m here to share fun, positive, and encouraging strategies to help you get your home ready for the new school year.

Home Office Organization

1. Set Up a Family Command Center: A family command center is a game-changer for busy households. Include a calendar for tracking everyone’s schedules, a bulletin board for important notices, and a filing system for school papers and mail. This centralized hub will help keep everyone on the same page and reduce the morning chaos.

2. Create a Functional Workspace: Whether you’re working from home or managing household tasks, a thoughtfully organized home office is essential. Start by decluttering your desk and organizing your supplies. Use drawer dividers and labeled bins to keep everything in its place. Make sure your workspace is well-lit and comfortable to boost productivity. Spend a few minutes at the end of every work day to tidy your space and 5 minutes at the end of every week to wipe down your desk surfaces before you shut down your computer on Friday afternoon. 

3. Digital Organization: Don’t forget to organize your digital space! Create folders on your computer or Google Drive for school documents, and set up a digital calendar with reminders for important dates. This will help you stay on top of assignments, projects, and extracurricular activities.

Kids' Room Organization

4. Declutter and Refresh: Before the school year begins, take some time to declutter your kids’ rooms. Sort through clothes, toys, and books, and donate or discard items that are no longer needed. A fresh, clutter-free space can create a more focused environment for study and play. Check out last month’s blog for game ideas that make organizing fun for kids of every age. 

5. Outfit Station: Make your mornings more independent and child-led, by setting up a five-drawr system, marked Monday - Friday that holds each school day’s outfit. The child can pre-choose outfits on Sunday. And older kids can be taught to look at the upcoming weather report and their schedule to make more informed decisions. Check out this reel for more inspiration.

6. Homework Stations: Set up dedicated homework stations for your kids. This can be a desk in their room or a quiet corner in the house. Stock the station with all the necessary supplies like pens, pencils, notebooks, and a good desk lamp. A well-organized homework area can make study time more efficient and enjoyable.

7. Routine Charts: Create morning and evening routine charts to help your kids stay on track. Use colorful charts or whiteboards to list daily tasks such as brushing teeth, packing school bags, and completing homework. This visual aid can make routines fun, make expectations clear, and help kids develop good habits.

Common Area Organization

8. Entryway Efficiency: Transform your entryway into a well-organized drop zone. Install hooks for backpacks and coats, and use cubbies or bins for shoes and accessories. A bench with storage underneath can provide a convenient spot for kids to put on and take off their shoes. This setup will make morning departures and after-school arrivals smoother.

9. Family Calendar: Hang a large family calendar in a common area like the kitchen or living room. Use different colors for each family member to track activities, appointments, and deadlines. This visual aid keeps everyone informed and helps manage the hectic school season.

Encouraging Positivity and Fun

10. Make It a Family Affair: Involve the whole family in the organizing process. Assign age-appropriate tasks to your kids and make it a fun activity. Play music, set timers for organizing sprints, and celebrate your progress together. When everyone pitches in, the workload feels lighter, and kids learn valuable organizational skills.

11. Stay Positive and Flexible: Remember, organization is an ongoing process, and it’s okay if things aren’t perfect all the time. Stay positive and flexible, and don’t be afraid to adjust your systems as needed. The goal is to create a functional and harmonious home that supports your family’s needs.

As you prepare for the new school year, use these organization strategies to create a more organized, efficient, and enjoyable home environment. By staying proactive and involving the whole family, you can navigate the hecticness of the school season with ease and positivity.

For more tips on home organization and creating family-friendly spaces, stay tuned to our blog. And if you’re in need of Home Organization help in the Chicagoland area, reach out here.  In the meantime, here’s to a successful and stress-free school year!

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