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Reach your Goals Faster with an Accountability Partner

Reach your Goals Faster with an Accountability Partner

When an item has remained on your to-do list for a bit too long, and just never seems to be checked off of the list, the best course of action may be to set a realistic and attainable goal for yourself. Consider it a helpful “push” in the right direction to get you one step closer to its attainment. 

According to the American Society of Training and Development, the probability of completing a goal is:

● 10% probability of completion – You hear an idea, like what you hear, and think it may benefit you

● 40% probability of completion – You then decide you will take action on that idea, and plan a date when you will fulfill this wish

● 50% probability of completion – You take time to set a plan as to how you will do take action

● 65% probability of completion – Commit to someone else you will do it (hello buddy system!)

● 95% probability of completion – Have regular accountability appointments with the person you’ve committed to

The genius part about the above is that you more than double the likelihood of completing a goal if you move from making the decision to being held accountable to another person. 

If decluttering your home is something that has been on your mind, but you never seem to find the time to develop a plan on your own, and you never take action on that plan, it may be time to get yourself an accountability partner! A virtual or in-person organizing appointment provides the perfect combination of consistency, accountability, and transfer of skills to enable you to achieve your desire for a peaceful, clutter-free home.

We all have the best of intentions when creating to-do lists and attempting to set goals for ourselves, but at the end of the day, we each only get 24 hours in a day. There just isn’t always time to get to everything on the list checked off. If you’re serious about eliminating the clutter in your home and carving out more peace in your busy life, give us a call or set up an appointment to begin your decluttering journey today. The benefit is, you will instantly up the probability of fulfilling your goal by 95%!

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