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Family Friendly Organizing: Tips for Keeping Your Home Tidy with Kids Home on Summer Break

Family Friendly Organizing: Tips for Keeping Your Home Tidy with Kids Home on Summer Break

Warm temperatures, long days filled with sunlight, and plenty of opportunities to enjoy the beach or pool are here! The long-awaited summer break is a time for fun, relaxation, and making memories with your kids. The downside? It can also mean more mess and clutter around the house. But don’t fret – as former teacher and an expert home organizer in Glenview, I have some great tips to help you create a tidy, peaceful. kid-friendly home. Plus, I've included some fun game ideas to make organizing enjoyable for both kids and adults! (We can all use a bit more fun in our lives! 😉)

Family-friendly Decluttering and Home Organization

Declutter Regularly: Start by decluttering each room. Encourage your kids to join in by making it a fun activity. Use bins or baskets to sort items into categories: keep, donate, and trash. This helps in reducing clutter and teaches kids the importance of organizing their belongings. 

Game idea: Toss Game. Whenever the decluttering team comes across a soft/unbreakable item, have a tossing contest to see if each member can make it into the bin from a few feet away. Just make sure to set game rules and show plenty of examples of items eligible for tossing. 

Establish Routines: Set daily and weekly routines for chores and organizing tasks. Assign age-appropriate chores to your kids and make it a part of their daily routine. Consistency helps maintain a tidy home and teaches responsibility.

Game idea: Race to the finish line. Set a timer for 5, 10, or 15 minutes (depending on the age and mess) and see who can pick up a room the best in the time allotted. Offer simple prizes or rewards that you already have in your home like popsicles, a special snack, or a trip to the library or park after the job has been done! After a few sessions and rewards, the rewards can begin to fall away as it becomes a routine to pick up spaces and keep the house tidy! 

Create a Family Command Center: Designate a space in your home as a family command center. This can include a calendar for tracking activities, a bulletin board for important notices, and a storage area for the pool, insect repellent, and other summer essentials. Having a central hub keeps everyone informed and organized.

Storage Solutions

Invest in Kid-Friendly Storage: Use storage solutions that are accessible to kids. Low shelves, labeled bins, and baskets can help them easily find and put away their toys and belongings. Color-coded bins can make sorting fun and visually appealing.

Game idea: Sorting Race. Turn sorting into a friendly competition. Give each child a bin and set a timer. The goal is to see who can sort and put away their items the fastest. This adds excitement to the organizing process.

Use Vertical Space: Maximize storage by using vertical space. Install shelves or wall-mounted organizers to keep items off the floor. This is especially useful for smaller homes where floor space is limited.

Create Drop Zones: Set up designated drop zones near entryways for shoes, backpacks, and sports equipment. This prevents items from being scattered throughout the house and makes it easier to find them when needed.

Game idea: Scavenger Hunt. When setting up or cleaning up home drop zones, turn the chore into a game. Make a list of items that need to be put away or sorted, and have your kids find and organize them. Offer small rewards for completing the task, like more time outside doing their favorite activity.

Outdoor Organizing Tips

Organize Outdoor Play Areas: Keep outdoor spaces tidy by designating specific areas for different activities. Use storage bins for outdoor toys and sports equipment. Regularly clean and maintain these areas to ensure they remain inviting and safe for play.

Game idea: Race to the finish line. When it’s time to come inside, have kids race to get toys picked up and put away. “Whoever can pick up 5 items, return them to this bin, and make it to the door the fastest wins!” 

Set Up a Garden Station: Create a dedicated space for gardening tools and supplies. Use hooks, shelves, or a small shed to keep everything organized. Involve your kids in gardening activities to teach them about nature and responsibility.

More Game Ideas for Fun Organizing

Sorting Race: Turn sorting into a friendly competition. Give each child a bin and set a timer. The goal is to see who can sort and put away their items the fastest. This adds excitement to the organizing process.

Color Match Game: Use color-coded bins or baskets for different categories of toys or clothes. Challenge your kids to match items to the correct bin. This helps with organization and makes tidying up more engaging.

Maintaining a Tidy Home

Regular Maintenance: Consistency is key to keeping your home organized. Set aside time each week for a family cleaning session. Involve everyone in dusting, vacuuming, and tidying up. This ensures that the house stays clean and organized throughout the summer.

Seasonal Rotation: Rotate toys and clothes seasonally. Store away items that are not in use and bring out seasonal items as needed. This reduces clutter and keeps your home feeling fresh and organized.

By incorporating these family-friendly organizing tips and game ideas, you can more easily maintain a tidy home, even with kids at home on summer break. Not only will your home stay organized, but your kids will also learn valuable skills and enjoy the process. Wishing you all the best for a fun, organized, and happy summer! 

For more tips on decluttering, home organization, and outdoor decorating, stay tuned to our blog. For help in getting your home organized this summer, reach out for help.

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